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Our aim is to uplift the work of Palestinian artists, poets, writers and other 'creatives'.


We publish the work of Palestinian artists, poets and writers.

We also publish the work of non-Palestinian artists, poets and writers whose work RESPONDS to art work, music, a poem  or a piece of prose, by a current Palestinian poet, artist, writer or musician.

We are non-funded and volunteer run and have now exhausted most of our funds so we are asking people to donate to our fundraiser. All money will go to Palestinian, First Nations and forcibly displaced contributors to our magazine.

To donate please mark as "Free Palestine* and send to:

Writing Through Fences

Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633108

Acc No: 152841052

*** We have had quite a few submissions come in from Gaza and Occupied Palestinian Territories recently and need funds to pay the contributors before we publish them***


Please share our call and the published work so that we continue to uplift Palestinian voices.

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